Help Us Keep Helping!
Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have had a huge surge in demand for our service but government funding has not covered the cost of this important work.This strain on our resources comes just as we should be devoting our energy to helping our communities survive and thrive from the current multi-layered crises of a global pandemic, economic instability, structural racism, and a collapsing climate. We should be adding more counsellors, covering more ground, and reaching more vulnerable people. Instead we are facing having to cut back services and focus on smaller and smaller sections of society where funding is available.
We need the support of our community now, to continue providing our high quality Islamic Counselling to as many people as possible, so we can support Muslims and people who hold closeness to Islam as we move into a challenging future, where healing and support will be vital for the healthy progression of all our souls towards Allah. Just a few pounds makes an enormous difference to the lives of our clients, as our testimonials below attest. Help out a brother or sister, or a future self, or a loved one, by making sure that when they need access to free, quality, compassionate, rigorous counselling and support - it’s there.